At Flaster Greenberg, we strive to provide you with valuable resources that may help you if you want to start your own business, or if you currently own a business. Below are helpful links for government websites that provide information about choosing a business name, forming a business, contract drafting and negotiation, securities, and more.
These resources are not substitutes for advice from the experienced and qualified professionals at Flaster Greenberg because hiring a business and corporate law attorney can be very valuable for your company. A business and corporate law attorney can provide you and your business with a wide range of services that will not only greatly benefit you, but protect you and your company in the long run. Learn more here.
Federal Resources
Small and large businesses, corporations, and partnerships can visit the IRS’s website for forms and information related to federal tax issues including business tax credits, deducting expenses, employment taxes, excise taxes, and gift taxes. You can also find information about how to file your taxes and details about various business types, forming a business, operating a business, and separating a business.
New Jersey
New Jersey business owners can explore the following websites to learn more about starting, changing, selling, or closing a business in the state. You will find resources about employer payroll tax, partnerships, sales and use tax, urban enterprise zone, and pass-through business alternative income tax (PTE/BAIT). In addition, you will find business support through NJ’s Office of Small Business Advocacy which supports businesses with mentoring, financial resources, and licensing and professional certifications.
Pennsylvania business owners and entrepreneurs will find forms and in-depth information about taxes, business names, and starting a business through the Department of Revenue, and the PA Department of State.
- Department of Revenue for forms and information related to individual, corporate and business tax forms and fees.
- Department of State links for businesses, including information on starting, growing, and financing your business, as well as licensing and permit information.
- Business name lookup for registration and filing, public records and certifications services, and UCC information.
For individuals interested in forming or closing a business in Delaware, here are three websites with applicable information, forms, and other resources.
- Division of Revenue for forms and information related to individual, corporate and business tax forms and fees.
- Department of State links for businesses, including information on starting, growing, and financing your business, as well as licensing and permit information.
- Business name lookup for registration and filing, public records and certifications services, and UCC information.
Additional Resources for Business Owners
- Business Formation, Separation, and Choosing a Business Name
- Mergers & Acquisitions
- Shareholder and Partnership Agreements
- William J. Burnett
- Courtney E. Dolaway
- Janet C. Edelstein
- Jonathan H. Ellis
- Allen P. Fineberg
- Harry J. Giacometti
- Mariel J. Giletto
- Stephen M. Greenberg
- Anthony Gruzdis
- Joseph M. Hayes
- Christina M. Lechette
- Daniel B. Markind
- Maylee M. Marsano
- Matthew J. Meltzer
- E. Marc Miller
- David S. Neufeld
- Steven S. Poulathas
- Alma L. Saravia
- Lauren N. Schwimmer
- David Shechtman
- Douglas S. Stanger
- Tami Bogutz Steinberg
- Michele G. Tarantino
- Alan H. Zuckerman