Steve Sacharow & Alan Zuckerman to Participate in NJICLE's Summer CLEFest

| Press Release
Cherry HIll, NJ

Flaster Greenberg shareholders Steven B. Sacharow and Alan H. Zuckerman have been tapped by the New Jersey Institute of Continuing Legal Education (NJICLE) to participate on a panel at the “Summer CLEfest” on Friday, August 14th in Atlantic City, NJ.

The panel presentation, entitled “Love Is More Complicated...The Second Time Around: Remarriage and Second Families,” will be moderated by Steven Sacharow and will explore the issues and problems that can arise when family law clients tie the knot for a second time (or even more!).

This fast-paced  panel discussion will consist of experienced family and estate planning attorneys, as well as financial experts, who will provide practical guidance to help counsel clients contemplating entering a second, or beyond marriage. Topics include: premarital agreements; computing child support calculations where there are subsequent children; under what conditions can a step-parent become financially responsible for step-children; college expenses; issues regarding parenting, custody and blending families; and financial and estate issues.

Sacharow’s representation of clients includes matters involving child custody, parenting time, child support, alimony and equitable distribution of assets. It also consists of legal aspects of relationship formation including cohabitation and prenuptial agreements. His family law practice further includes representation of individuals involved in same sex relationships, including cohabitation agreements and dissolution of relationships, involving both civil unions and non-formalized relationships, as well as mediation (as a mediator and representing clients in mediation) and collaborative divorce. 

Zuckerman is chair of the firm's Corporate and Tax Departments. He has a business practice with a concentration in federal and state taxation, business and corporate transactions, mergers and acquisitions (involving both public and privately held companies), estate planning and administration and healthcare law. Zuckerman is also a certified public accountant.

The seminar will take place on Friday, August 14th 2015 from 1:15 - 4:30 p.m. at the Water Club at Borgata in Atlantic City, NJ and has been approved for PA/NJ CLE credits. For more information, or to register, click here.

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