Third Annual METAvivor Gala


Flaster Greenberg is proud to be a Research Sponsor of the Third Annual Philadelphia METAvivor Gala, an event that raises funds and awareness for a cause near and dear to the hearts of Intellectual Property Associate Aakash Patel and his wife Shannon: Stage IV metastatic breast cancer.

The Third Annual Philadelphia METAvivor Gala will be held on Friday, February 23, 2024 at the Crystal Tea Room in Philadelphia, PA from : 7:00 PM - Midnight.

More event information here.

Did you know that 121 women die from metastatic breast cancer (MBC) in the U.S. each year? The community's generosity will not only touch the life of our colleague, his wife, and their family, but positively affect the lives of women who receive the diagnosis of this invasive breast cancer each year, including Kerry and Jacquie, Shannon’s cousin and aunt, who were diagnosed with MBC in 2020. Neither have a family history of breast cancer, nor do they have the BRCA gene mutations.  So, it should come as no surprise to learn that Kerry and Jacquie were shocked when they were diagnosed with Stage IV MBC. 

The Alarming MBC Statistics

The statistics surrounding Stage IV MBC are harrowing: In 2021, there were approximately 281,550 new cases of invasive breast cancer diagnosed in women.  6 to 10% of these diagnoses are metastatic, or Stage IV.  Another 30% progress from Stages O, I, II, and III to develop Stage IV—maybe immediately or maybe 30 years down the line.  Stage IV MBC patients live, on average, 18 to 36 months after diagnosis.  And, there is only a 27% chance that people diagnosed with Stage IV MBC will live five years beyond their diagnosis.  Despite these statistics, most popular breast cancer fundraising movements give only 2-5% of their research funds to researching Stage IV MBC.  

These statistics are even worse for the many Stage IV MBC patients that lack access to vital health care and treatment information, innovative treatment options, disability benefits, and support groups. This gap in disease information is especially true for those in underserved populations such as people of color, people of varied ethnic origin, and people who are in rural areas, away from major cancer centers.


The METAvivor non-profit was established by a small group pro-active metastatic breast cancer patients who felt that the lack of research and support dedicated to their disease and to those suffering from it was just plain wrong. Their determination to make a difference has made METAvivor what it is today. In the years since its founding, METAvivor has become internationally recognized for raising awareness and funds explicitly for stage 4 breast cancer research. While  METAvivor has suffered the loss of quite a few Board members since its founding, there has never been a lack of people stepping up to take the place of those who have gone.  Indeed, with each death METAvivor’s resolve has only grown stronger METAvivor will continue to push ahead until the day metastatic breast cancer is rendered a truly survivable conditio

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