What is Art Insurance?

FG Art Law Attorneys

Fine art insurance policies offer coverage for highly valued works of art. In the world of insurance, anything that has value beyond its function and intrinsic properties can be considered “Fine Art.”

For example, fine art insurance is available for paintings, sculptures, antique pieces of pottery, rare coins, textiles, manuscripts, pieces of armor, and historical books.

Most fine art insurance policies have a “valuation clause”. This provides that the insurance policy pays a fixed amount to the policyholder in the event of a covered loss.   

Fine art insurance policies may be sold on a “scheduled basis” or on a “blanket coverage basis”.

Our Art Law attorneys share a passion for fine art and work together to provide comprehensive representation for our clients.  We offer experienced counsel to US and global clients in Art Law related matters.

We also work closely with attorneys across the firm to meet the real estate, tax, corporate, employment, and estate planning needs of our clients.

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