Protecting Your Brand

Whether it’s a small business or national corporation, there’s nothing more valuable to a business than its image
| South Jersey Biz
Cherry Hill, NJ

Alexis K. Arena, an attorney in the Intellectual Property and Litigation Departments at Flaster Greenberg, was tapped by South Jersey Biz magazine for expert commentary in the “Protecting Your Brand” article, which was featured in the December 2012 issue.

“Branding is key – it’s how the public, investor, consumers, and even competitors view the company,” confirms Alexis Arena, an intellectual property attorney at Flaster Greenberg, with a location in Cherry Hill. “Because a company’s brand is what sets it apart in a distinct way, and helps build customer loyalty, it becomes valuable intellectual property – and a company has to take steps to protect it,” Arena says.

To read the full article, click here.

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